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Paddy Gargan, landlord of the Greyhound pub, bans Calum Miller for smoking, antagonizing the boy's father Tom, a dodgy business-man who nonetheless subsidizes the pub's soccer team and threatens to pulverize Paddy if the ban is not lifted by the next afternoon. Because of Tom's support for them, the football team will not lend Paddy supportive muscle and Paddy is indeed beaten to a pulp. But come evening he scores a moral victory, resulting in the bullied Calum and his mother walking out on Tom Miller.97影视剧免费提供《街区第三季》全集高清免费在线观看,同时还提供了《街区第三季》该剧剧情、导演、演员、影片类型、影片地区等,更多精彩好看的欧美剧就来97影视剧!


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