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How the Earth Was Made premiered as a 90-minute documentary special, narrated by Edward Herrmann, that aired on The History Channel on December 16, 2007, and focused on the geological history of Earth.                                                                    The television series premiered on February 10, 2009. Each 45-minute episode focuses on different geologic features and processes of the Earth. The first season, spanning 13 episodes, concluded on May 5, 2009. The second season premiered on November 24, 2009.97影视剧免费提供《地球起源第一季》全集高清免费在线观看,同时还提供了《地球起源第一季》该剧剧情、导演、演员、影片类型、影片地区等,更多精彩好看的爱情片就来97影视剧!


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